Swimwear and the hydrogen bomb
In the early twentieth century, it was indecent to show too much nudity on beaches. A century later the situation has changed …
In present days girls wear bikinis with pleasure – a tiny swim suit that had once made a revolution in beachwear fashion.
In 1946 a French automobile engineer Louis Reard inherited the shop underwear and had to come up with new models to develop their business. Reard invented women’s swimwear, which demanded only seventy square inches of fabric. He called the new product “bikini” in honor of the name of a coral atoll, where the Americans have tested the hydrogen bomb recently.
The debut show at the Paris fashion swimsuit salon was like bombshell. A new swimsuit is not covered belly! At the time, even by American law Hollywood had no right to show such impudence. The Vatican announced this is the swimsuit immoral. It was banned in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Discouraged designer returned the good old trousers to the counter, but the bikini slowly began to come out of hiding. But after Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot have to pose in the new swimsuits in front of photographers, bikini no one could deny.